Jinx Schwartz’s Water Writes Blog

On writing, boating, and the occasional rant.



Day was (and I won't name that day, lest I end up with an expiration date stamped on my forehead) that if a book featured cowboys and Indians, it was a WESTERN. Unless said cowboy fell in love with a beautiful Indian princess, then we had a LOVE STORY. Then a cowpoke...

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Mexico, a writer’s paradise…or is it?

So, I live on a boat several months out of the year. Preferably at anchor. Lots of time to write, right? Wrong. Conception Bay, Baja California, Sur, is where we spent this winter. At anchor. With sketchy Internet, no electricity or running water on shore, and 25...

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The Road Less Taken

The Road Less Taken

We just spent a month in La Paz, BCS, where I wrote a lot, had a couple of great book events, and then, on the way home, we took a shortcut. We normally cross the border south of San Diego, but while we were down south we heard the pavement from San Felipe (Mex 5) to...

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HAD IT !!!

HAD IT !!!

Every reader harbors writing pet peeves, and one of mine is the word, HAD. Not that it isn't a perfectly good word; it has its uses. It is overuse that drives me nuts...and I'm already pretty far down that road. So here I was, all tucked in and happily reading a new...

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Jinx Schwartz
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NOT your Viking Riverboat Cruise! 11 days, 118 kms, 66 locks.
The Road Less Taken
HAD IT !!!
Jeez, who wrote that stuff? Dusting off a half-written book, and resuscitating my blog.
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